Thursday, August 2, 2012

I Need A Hero

Maybe you've been watching the new Batman films like I have. They are truly some of the most successful films to have come out in the past couple of years. I think the hero and villain plots are always exciting, and Batman is a part of a lot of folks' childhoods, but I think that these films connect with us on a much deeper level than that. In every film we see a community racked by crime, poverty, crooked politicians and government officials, and a city on the brink of destruction. Mostly we see a people without hope. Sound familiar? In most metropolises where crime is on the rise, many are without jobs and even those with jobs are struggling, politicians are constantly being caught doing immoral and illegal things, while natural disasters and a failing economic system hover overhead it's no wonder that our country has lost hope. Many feel that if the wealthy would just give more money to charity, if the private sector could create more jobs, or if the government could straighten things out, our country would be ok. The problem though is much more far-reaching than anything any one person or group of people could do. We need a hero. No, not like Superman or Batman. We need someone to fix this mess and to save humanity from themselves. Unfortunately the bulk of our troubles come from within. According to Scripture, "sin entered the world by one man." Before sin entered the world, there was no sickness, poverty, death, natural disasters, or evil. Once Adam and Eve made the decision to disobey God, they opened the door for a whole lot more than they bargained. It became difficult to provide for families, man now had selfish and evil desires and the first murder took place not long after this. Yet, God didn't leave us to our misery. Instead He sent His Son, the One He loved most to be sacrificed for us because He loved us even more. Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life, and life more abundantly." God sent His Son to bleed and die, to suffer the most cruel death that we might be able to choose a different life. A life, not free from pain, but free of separation from God. God has made us many promises in His Word, from health to prosperity, to salvation for our loved ones, to peace and joy. Truly, He is our hero, if we will but accept Him and let Him not only bring eternal salvation, but peace and joy if we rely on Him each and every day. He brings hope in hopeless situations and peace against impossible odds. Will you be saved? Will you fall into the arms of a loving God who is seeking to help you through this difficult life? Or will you reject all He is offering you today?

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